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Analog over wireless


Let’s put the JeeNode Zero to work a bit, i.e. let’s repeatedly measure an analog voltage through its ADC, send the results over to another node via the radio, and display the received readings.

We’re going to need a test setup with two wireless nodes. Something like this, for example:

The top unit is an F103-based Blue Pill with an RFM69 on top, and a SerPlus on the left for programming (it can also be used directly over USB when a USB-enabled Mecrisp is installed). The bottom unit is an L052-based JeeNode Zero, with a SerPlus on the left as USB interface.

We’ll use the JNZ as sensor/transmitter and the F103 as receiver.

This example assumes that everything is properly connected, and that suitable always.fs, board.fs, and core.fs sources have been installed on both nodes, including the RF69 driver.

The first step is to try out the ADC, by reading the voltage level on PA0 a few times:

$ folie
Folie v2.10
Select the serial port:
  1: /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
  2: /dev/cu.usbmodem3430DC31
  3: /dev/cu.usbmodemC92AED31
? 2
Enter '!help' for additional help, or ctrl-d to quit.
[connected to /dev/cu.usbmodem3430DC31]
Mecrisp-Stellaris RA 2.3.3 with M0 core for STM32L053C8 by Matthias Koch
64 KB <jz3> 3238022C ram/flash: 4920 19200 free ok.
adc-init  ok.
pa0 adc . 0  ok.
pa0 adc . 15  ok.
pa0 adc . 744  ok.

Ok, that seems to work (touching the PA0 pin helps produce a varying signal).

Next step is to do this repeatedly in a loop:

: forever begin cr pa0 adc . 1000 ms again ; forever
Mecrisp-Stellaris RA 2.3.3 with M0 core for STM32L053C8 by Matthias Koch
64 KB <jz3> 3238022C ram/flash: 4920 19200 free ok.

Ok, that works. Note that we had to force a hardware reset to get the prompt back, since the JNZ was placed in an infinite loop. This is the easiest approach and good enough for now.

Now we’ll send it via the RF69 driver, using its default 868.3 MHz and net group 42 settings:

adc-init rf-init  ok.
: forever begin pa0 adc rf-txtest 1000 ms again ; forever

This uses rf-txtest, which takes one value off the stack, converts it to a text string, and sends that as message in an RF packet.

Note that we have to re-initialise the ADC, since we’ve reset the µC and therefore also its ADC.

Hmm - maybe it’s working, but how can we tell? Well, by keeping this running and connecting a second terminal to the F103. The rf-listen command is a quick way to see incoming data:

$ folie
Folie v2.10
? Select the serial port:
  1: /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
  2: /dev/cu.usbmodem3430DC31
  3: /dev/cu.usbmodemC92AED31
? 3
Enter '!help' for additional help, or ctrl-d to quit.
[connected to /dev/cu.usbmodemC92AED31]
Mecrisp-Stellaris RA 2.3.3 for STM32F103 by Matthias Koch
64 KB <g6s> 32212433 ram/flash: 17688 20480 free ok.
RF69 21EB2AB601FE1E803D02 3139
RF69 21EB2AB401FD0E803D01 30
RF69 21EB2AB701FD56803D03 313137
RF69 21EB2AB701FDA4803D03 313733

As you can see, there are many $30..$39 hex bytes in the received data payload (the first block of hex info is metadata, as described in this article). These are the “0”..“9” ASCII digits, in hex.

To turn this information into more meaningful values, we need to decode this data, i.e. make assumptions about the packet format and interpret it as ASCII-encoded digits in this case.

We can’t use the rf-listen code for this, so we’ll need to implement something similar instead. This is fairly easy to do, starting from this original code on GitHub:

: rf-listen ( -- )  \ init RFM69 and report incoming packets until key press
  rf-init cr
  0 rf.last !
    rf-recv ?dup if
      ." RF69 " rf-info
      dup 0 do
        rf.buf i + c@ h.2
        i 1 = if 2- h.2 space then
      loop  cr
  key? until ;

Here is a modified version which will print the packet as string:

: rxtest ( -- )
    rf-recv ?dup if
      cr  rf.buf 2+  swap 2-  type
  again ;

This calls rf-recv in an infinite loop. Whenever the result (the number of bytes received) is not zero, we set up a call to type with two arguments: the address to start printing as string and its length. But because the first two bytes of the received data contain a header we don’t care about, we need to skip them by adding 2 to the address and subtracting 2 from the length.

If we save this definition to a file called rxtest.fs, we can then load and use it as follows:

!s rxtest.fs

That’s it for an example of remote sensing - the JeeNode Zero is taking ADC measurements once a second and sending this data wirelessly to another F103-based node, which then prints out all received results. There’s a lot which could be improved upon, but hey - it’s a start!

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